The California Coonrod's

Coonrod Genealogy

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Turner/Snow/Killbuck Family Genealogy

Mike has done quite a bit of work with researching the Coonrod genealogy.  We are working on entering that info into a file for this web site, but aren't ready to share yet. 

In the meantime, here are some wonderful pictures for you to see.  Just click on the thumbnail of the picture you are interested in to see the picture in a larger size!  All the writing on these pictures was done by Thomas Jefferson Coonrod (Mike's great-grandfather).  There may be more information written below the larger pictures (where you go when you click on the pictures below) so don't forget to look.

If you have any information on the unknown pictures, or the one with the "??" in the title, please email us at with your info.  Thanks.


Maurice and Lorraine Killbuck Maurice Killbuck  John Snow Sally Potter Coonrod and Irene Coonrod French Ken and Sally Coonrod
Charles Lee Turner Sarah Elizabeth Turner Hepzebah Dennis